Will Lockhart
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute on the Environment, U. Minnesota. Research scientist in sustainability, astrophysicist, and director of the first feature documentary on the game of Go.
You can reach me at wlock@umn.edu.

Some random nerdy things on the web you might enjoy:
- The Great Simplification podcast - I highly recommend this podcast, which features in-depth interviews of researchers, activists, and experts on the human predicament in the age of the anthropocene
- Conway’s Game of Life - glider guns, are you kiddin’ me!? Explore the original cellular automata, one of the best demonstrations of emergence ever created
- A Mathematician’s Lament - a brilliant critique of K-12 math education and how school teaches kids not to create, but to conform
- Anagrams code - a program I wrote in python to play a perfect game of Anagrams. See the README for an explanation of the game and how to run the program
- Our world in data - a project to make research and data on the world’s biggest challenges – poverty, war, climate change, etc - accessible to the public
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- This video from the American Museum of Natural History, showing the growth of human civilization throughout history
- Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) interactive gallery
- Euclidea - the compass and straight-edge puzzle challenge